Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

MMJ Eps. 1

Hey gaiz. Ini post pertama jopi lewat blog sendiri. Sebelumnya bisa diliat di blog Monic, cari yang judulnya Jopi Project gitudeee.

Berhubung malem minggu kali ini yang on cuma Monic, Putri, Fikha, jadi daripada nge-sadnite bertiga mendingan jopro yekan!?
Berikut captures-nya! Cuusss~

"How could you love anyone else without loving your own self? Love yourself first before loving others."


"I'm not ignoring you, I'm not forgetting you, I'm just waiting for you to talk to me first."

"it sucks because i miss you and you dont even care."

"They say it takes a minute to find a special person. An hour to appreciate them. A day to love them. And an entire life to forget them."

"Memories with my best friends are priceless, filled with happiness and sadness, I'd never forget any of them."


OKE! cukup sampai disini dulu ya! Tunggu jopro selanjutnya! BABAY:*


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